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Instilling Business Case Discipline Into IT

Found a great Power Point presentation from Forrester while doing a search on benefits realization. I was surprised it was available for free, but happy that it was. Here is the link:,5180,1738,00.ppt

Some highlights are:

- When someone asks the question why do business cases, here is a good answer from the presentation title, "Business cases enable governance, bring discipline, and prove the value of IT"

-  There are a number of graphs, surveys, tables and figures to back up the value of a business case and why it is needed. With appropriate references you could use this in management presentations.

-  Provides some good ideas for the key content to include in a business case through 7 core components to include in a good business case.

-  And finally it provides the linkage between business cases and the benefit realization process in the section titled "The business case — tracking business benefit realization"

All in all a very informative presentation which can be used as a basis for generating ideas and selling the business case concept. I have added to my list of references.

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Anonymous said...

Amiable brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.

Renu Sharma said...

Mate do u still have this forrester deck. Would u please share it. Foresster has removed. i'm happy to share some of my decks in return