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CIO Blog

Discovered a good blog written by a real CIO. He had a few topics about governance, which are a good read and related to the topic of this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello all, I would also like to give my opinion on Risk and Compliance.
IT governance, risk and compliance (IT GRC) is about striking an appropriate balance between business reward and risk. The maturity of IT GRC practices for managing reward and risk has a direct impact on the organization. IT GRC encompasses the practices for delivering: Greater business value from IT strategy, investment and alignment, Significantly reduced business and financial risk from the use of IT, and Conformance with policies of the organization and its external legal and regulatory compliance mandates. IT GRC energizes the entire organization to imagine what it can achieve, establishes methods for achieving their objectives, and demonstrates the practices that are proven to work for minimizing business and financial risk. Fundamentally, IT GRC is about striking an appropriate balance between business reward and risk, enabling an organization to more effectively anticipate and manage business risk while more effectively delivering value for the organization. IT governance, risk, compliance, IT GRC, White paper, compliance survey report, 2008 compliance report.
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