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The information paradox - great book for understanding the benefits process

One book I have on my reference list, is
The information paradox. This is a great resource I recommend you get.

The book discusses the following mindset underlying the Benefits Realization Approach and is based on the following premises:

Benefits do not just happen - They don’t just automatically appear when a new technology is delivered. A benefits stream flows and evolves over time as people learn to use it.

Benefits rarely happen according to plan. A forecast of benefits to support the business case for an investment is just an early estimate. It is unlikely to turn out as expected, much like corporate earnings forecasts. You have to keep checking, just as you would with a financial investment that fluctuates in value on the securities market.

Benefits realization is a continuous process of envisioning results, implementing, checking intermediate results and dynamically adjusting the path leading from investments to business results. Benefits realization is a process that can and must be managed, just like any other business process.

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